District Health & Safety » District Health & Safety » Texas Guardian Program

Texas Guardian Program

As of 1/22/19, the School Board passed Gov. Abbott's Texas DPS Active Shooter Response Guardian Program! A specific training program, psych evaluations, and continuous trainings for those inside the program after completion will be implemented for any staff that volunteer to join the program and are approved through the Board in compliance with the State Program.




Recognizing that Cumberland Academy’s campuses are located in diverse geographic areas, where response from emergency first responders, including law enforcement personnel, may vary and could take significant time in an urgent emergency situation, the Board of Directors (the “Board”), charter holder of a Texas Open-Enrollment Charter School (the “School”), adopts the following written regulations, written authorization and Board policy to address concerns about effective and timely response to emergency situations at schools and campus security, including invasion of the schools by an armed outsider, active shooter, hostage situations, persons (including students) who are armed and posing a direct threat of physical harm to themselves or others, and similar circumstances.



In that the Board is charged with responsibility for management and operation of the School, pursuant to Texas Education Code § 12.121; in that the Board must ensure the Schools protect the health, safety and welfare of enrolled students pursuant to Texas Education Code § 12.115(a)(3) or face revocation, non-renewal or other sanctions and administrative penalties from the Texas Education Agency; and in that the Board has the authority under Texas Penal Code 46.03(a)(1) to authorize specific School personnel to possess certain firearms on School property, at School-sponsored or School-sanctioned events occurring on School property, and at Board meetings. Specifically authorized individuals shall be approved by separate action of the Board. The Board shall issue written authorization to any such approved personnel. The Board or Director may also rescind such authorization to any such approved personnel at any time for any reason.



Only those School employees who have been and are currently specifically authorized and designated by the Board, by separate action, and who have obtained and maintain a current license, issued by the State of Texas and in accordance with Texas law, to carry a concealed handgun (“CHL”), are eligible to be authorized by the Board, to possess a firearm on School property.

Before being authorized, the Director shall ensure the candidate is screened as deemed appropriate and has received training as described herein. Any such personnel specifically authorized by the Board in accordance with the above to possess a firearm on school property shall be provided additional training in crisis intervention, management of hostage situations, tactical and active shooter, and other trainings as the State, Board or Director may determine necessary or appropriate apart from the mandated yearly training hours required to remain in the program.

Only frangible ammunition, i.e., ammunition designed to have reduced ricochet hazard, or other non-lethal ammunition, will be permitted in firearms authorized to be on School property.


For more information regarding this program, please contact [email protected]